BarterWATER MIssion Launched at UN 2023 Water Conference

BAANS Mission Statement
Production and processing of Biomass is way to the sustainable future. WaterBank is exploring the expantion of scope of usage of biomass. Biomass can be used for fuel and pellets. Biomass can be useful for making charcol and carbon for water purification. Biomass is important to improve the health of soil in agriculture fields.
Apart from processing and treatment of biomass for various usage, there is huge scope of cultivation of biomass of different kinds.
BAMBOO Mission
Value addition in Bamboo cultivation and Procesing
Bamboo is the green steel for the sustainable future. Natural National average of Bamboo is 2-3 MT per Acre. By normal farming intervention it can go upto 5-10 MT per Acre. But, with the technology intervention, the same can go upto 40-50MT per acre.
For a green housing, water purification, green-fuel and many such things for a sustainable future, massive scale of Bamboo cultivation is needed. To promote the Bamboo farming WaterBank is designing sepcial financing scheme.

Nature's Heart R&D Centre
Under National Bamboo Mission (NBM), In association with North-East Cane and Bamboo Devlopement Council (NECBDC), WaterBank has set-up a Primery Bamboo processing facility at Netarhat.
Apart from designing Crafts, packaging materials, and utility items from Bamboo, This centre is also focused on innovating new machines, techniques, systems for biomass such as bio-fuel, activated carbon etc.

Bamboo Farming
To promote Bamboo cultivation, we are building a farmer's producer network for Bamboo cultivation in the AMUL Cooperative model

Bamboo Processing
To enhance the life of Bamboo, we are promoting innovations in technology, design, and treatment of Bamboo to enhance its life for Housing and Furniture.

Bamboo craft
To promote the use of Bamboo made products, crafts, utility items and packaging materials, we provide training, capacity building, and market connect to communities.